Our mission is to help people make text work in daily life. Join the journey & make a profile to remember...
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Latest Notes
"07/12/2024 - It's super embarrassing that @ChatGPT can't make a Christmas Tree, it can't make a present, it's acting like a cyber criminal lately...
"04/12/2024 - We hope you've enjoyed the snow, the Needs reel, the magical seasonal quotes, the sparkles & needs feature now featured in profile, with easier access to add new needs. For Day 5, we will focus on making lots of videos of all of our features & begin to focus on our new platform over existing platform updates...
"03/12/2024 - We've added snow, the needs reel and some uplifting December seasonal quotes ⛄🕊❤
🎄 December Desires 🎄
"Volunteers, investment & signups needed this December 2024..." for 05/12/2024
"To be able to express our needs to our audience this December 2024…" for 02/12/2024
Share your daily updates in a new way @TXTWRK from what you’re doing at the minute, right up to micro updates… We’ve actually thought about the process of how Notes Reel fits in your life and within your profile here at TXTWRK.com, unlike most social media networks, we are responsibly developing features that improve people’s working lifestyles…