Our mission is to help people make text work in daily life. Join the journey & make a profile to remember...
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Latest Notes
"07/12/2024 - It's super embarrassing that @ChatGPT can't make a Christmas Tree, it can't make a present, it's acting like a cyber criminal lately...
"04/12/2024 - We hope you've enjoyed the snow, the Needs reel, the magical seasonal quotes, the sparkles & needs feature now featured in profile, with easier access to add new needs. For Day 5, we will focus on making lots of videos of all of our features & begin to focus on our new platform over existing platform updates...
"03/12/2024 - We've added snow, the needs reel and some uplifting December seasonal quotes ⛄🕊❤
🎄 December Desires 🎄
"Volunteers, investment & signups needed this December 2024..." for 05/12/2024
"To be able to express our needs to our audience this December 2024…" for 02/12/2024